Anadialectical Materialism: This philosophy owes its existence to the trans-ontological work of Enrique Dussel and the Marxist theory of history. Synthesized together it proposes that to address the contradictions and tensions between opposing forces and ideas requires the radical acceptance of the other, those who are alienated at the fringes of systems of society, thoughts and apprehension.

In terms of human experience it proposes that where experiences are irrupted by oppression, prejudice, deprivation and violence there is hope that this can be countermanded by supported interpellation. We can liberate ourselves from these experiences.

The idea of Anadialectical Materialism as a philosophy of mind appeared in my head about 5 years ago and has stubbornly refused to depart. Rather than ignore it (as that seems to have failed as a cognitive strategy) I have chosen to develop this space to find out what it means, or try to, and write about it here.

You will find as this website grows so the ideas of this philosophy will be defined, articulated and explored. Links to relevant articles of philosophical significance and contextual readying will be provided and opportunities to discuss this new approach to articulating human experience will be opened up.

The first project that utilizes ADM is formulating, articulating and deploying a creative curriculum of hope for nurse education. Through this principles of ADM are emerging and a narrative commentary will be formed as these essays and supportive documents appear!

Stephen Williams @mhnurselecturer

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